K. “I'm a brand new man!”
Date: March 2009 Surgery: Gastric Bypass

What was life like before your
Before the surgery,
I became
afraid to do anything. Being almost 400 lbs with sleep apnea took a bit of a toll on my heart. The least little bit of activity
would make my heart race, to the point that I had to take a beta blocker every day for it, as well as for my blood pressure.
I have a 10 year old daughter whom I couldn't play with. My sex life was down the drain. I work a job where I'm on my feet
in front of customers a good part of the day; my back would hurt so badly
just from standing that my knees would shake, and I would lean against anything close. I was in my prime, and had a terrible quality of life.

What led to your decision to have the surgery?
I knew I had to do something. Trying fad diets, and sometimes starving myself, just didn't work. I knew that I was shortening my life by many years
and I wanted to see my daughter grow up, as well as walk her down the aisle someday. That's when I decided to make an appointment with Dr. Taylor
at Barix in Ypsilanti.

How was your experience with Barix?
All the nurses were very attentive, from the prep nurses to the nurses on the floor. The thing I remember most was the hugs from these nurses
when I left the hospital. They were absolutely wonderful--some of the most genuinely caring
and compassionate people I've ever met. Also,
the day of my surgery, 3 people from the message boards came to see me. The support was awesome and something I will never forget. It was a great way to send me onto my new journey.
what can I say about Dr. Taylor, he's the best. He made sure I was on track, answered any question (no matter how stupid it
and kept reassuring me that everything would turn out great. And guess what? It did!

How is your life after surgery?
I'm a brand new man! I can't
wait to get up in the morning and get rocking! My daughter and I play together, we walk together,
and I promised I would teach her how to play tennis. I am in perfect health, and more active than I've been in 20 years. I
used to come home at night and flop down on the couch, but now I get home, gather up the family, and away we go. Even if it's just a walk at the mall,
we're doing something. Just as a side note, since my surgery my wife has lost 60 lbs. She has embraced a more active and healthy lifestyle.
So not only has the surgery affected me, but everyone around me.

What would you tell someone considering Barix?
is the best thing I have ever done. I'm not
saying it's not a struggle at times, because it is. If you're considering this, make sure you can get your mind around the journey
that's ahead of you. If you're like me, you're about to lose your best friend... food! Now that I've had the surgery, I can still eat
pretty much anything but honestly, I don't want to go back to the old ways with that kind of food. I've got my life back, and won't give it up for anything now.